Super Wet Look

Super Wet Look Acrylic Enamel Catalyst is designed for use in acrylic enamel color systems to improve flow and leveling for an improved finish. It will produce a hard, durable finish with excellent gloss and chemical resistance. Super Wet Look is designed to provide a higher level of gloss, with long-term gloss retention. 
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  • Shared Details

    Mix Ratio Mix according to paint manufacturers instructions
    Shelf Life 3 years in sealed container, 2 weeks after opening
    VOC - Regulatory 2.38#/gal (285 g/l)
    VOC - Actual 2.38#/gal (285 g/l)
    Solids % (Weight) 73%
    Case Quantity 12/case

    Details for 8105

    Can Size 1/4 pint

    Details for 8108

    Can Size Pint
  • SDS
    Data Sheets