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Support and Training
Standard Operating Procedures
Standard Operating Procedures for Bodyshops
What are SOPs?
1. Prescribed methods to be followed routinely for designated operations & situations.
2. Methods to help ensure consistency & quality in work.
3. Written instructions to document, operationalize & communicate processes & best practices.
4. List of essential tasks & how to do the tasks for business success.
Transtar SOPs make use of our extensive knowledge of best practices & solutions for a wide range of body shop processes. Take advantage of Transtar SOPs for your shop today.
What can good procedures do for your Shop?
Ensure Consistent Results
Minimize Errors
Support Quality Goals
Save Time & Improve Productivity
Empower your Workforce
Reduce Training Costs
Corrosion Protection
SOP 310
Corrosion Protection Bare Metal with Self Etch Primer
SOP 311
Corrosion Protection using Weld Through Primer
SOP 312
Corrosion Protection Cavities using Amber Rustproofing
SOP 313
Corrosion Protection using Rubberized Undercoat
Spanish SOP 310
Spanish Corrosion Protection Bare Metal with Self Etch Primer
Spanish SOP 311
Spanish Corrosion Protection using Weld Through Primer
Spanish SOP 312
Spanish Corrosion Protection Cavities using Amber Rustproofing
Spanish SOP 313
Spanish Corrosion Protection using Rubberized Undercoat
Prep & Sanding Process
SOP 021
Primer - Substrate Suitability
SOP 022
Plastic Substrate - Resin ID, Prep & Primer
SOP 051
Prep & Sanding Metal - to Prime & Paint
Spanish SOP 021
Spanish Primer - Substrate Suitability
Spanish SOP 022
Spanish Plastic Substrate - Resin ID, Prep & Primer
Spanish SOP 051
Spanish Prep & Sanding Metal - to Prime & Paint
Metal Repair & Refinish Process
SOP 111
Steel Finishing - Bare Metal, E-Coated Panel, Repaired Panel
SOP 115
Cut-In Bolt-on Part
SOP 116
Small Damage Repair - Single Panel
Spanish SOP 111
Spanish Steel Finishing - Bare Metal, E-Coated Panel, Repaired Panel
Spanish SOP 115
Spanish Cut-In Bolt-on Part
Spanish SOP 116
Spanish Small Damage Repair - Single Panel
Plastic Repair & Refinish Process
SOP 219
2-Sided Bumper Repair
SOP 220
Plastic Bumper Tab Repair
SOP 251
Finishing - Raw Plastic
SOP 252
Finishing - Repaired & Pre-Primed Plastic
Spanish SOP 219
Spanish 2-Sided Bumper Repair
Spanish SOP 220
Spanish Plastic Bumper Tab Repair
Spanish SOP 251
Spanish Finishing - Raw Plastic
Spanish SOP 252
Spanish Finishing - Repaired & Pre-Primed Plastic
Color/Basecoat Process
SOP 501
Color Selection & Matching
SOP 509
Topcoat - Panel & Complete, No Mix HS & MS - Solid & Metallic Colors
SOP 513
Blending Solid & Metallic Colors - No Mix HS & MS Basecoat
SOP 514
Blending Tri-Coat - No Mix HS & MS Basecoat
SOP 530
No Mix Aerosol Filling Machine Instructions - Manual
SOP 531
No Mix Aerosol Filling Machine Instructions - Pneumatic
Spanish SOP 501
Spanish Color Selection & Matching
Spanish SOP 509
Spanish Topcoat - Panel & Complete, No Mix HS & MS - Solid & Metallic Colors
Spanish SOP 513
Spanish Blending Solid & Metallic Colors - No Mix HS & MS Basecoat
Spanish SOP 514
Spanish Blending Tri-Coat - No Mix HS & MS Basecoat
Clear & Detail Process
SOP 817
Clearcoat Defect Removal
Spanish SOP 817
Spanish Clearcoat Defect Removal